
  • Address
    Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto 811 05
  • Phones:
    +421 0944 315 804
  • We are open:
    Mn-Fr: 10 am-8 pm
English EN Deutsch DE
1BRAND REPUTATION MANAGEMENT Price for service is from 1000 EUR to 5000 EUR. Note* Every project will be discussed individually.
2CONTEXTUAL ADVERTISINGPrice for service is from 70 EUR to 500 EUR. Note* After filling the order form our manager will contact you for details.
3WEBSITE/ONLINE STORE USABILITY ANALYSING Price for service is from 65 EUR to 150 EUR. Note* After filling the order form our manager will contact you for details.
4SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATIONPrice for service is from 100 EUR to 250 EUR. Note* After filling the order form our manager will contact you for details.
5SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETINGPrice for SMM service is from 200 EUR to 700 EUR. (Profile creation, profile promotion, business page/individual page, content writing, and page design). Note* After filling the order form our manager will contact you for details.
6PPC AND ADVERTAZINGPrice for PPC service is from 150 EUR to 2000 EUR. Note* After filling the order form our manager will contact you for details
7LEADS GENERATIONPrice for L.D service is from 2000 EUR to 15000 EUR. (Generating leads, buying ready leads) Note* After filling the order form our manager will contact you for details.
8CRM SYSTEMS CREATION WITH MANTAINANCE AND REMOTE STORAGEPrice for CRM service is from 5000 EUR to 20000 EUR. Note* Every project will be discussed individually.
9SORTWARE DEVELOPMENTPrice for S.D service is from 3000 EUR to 50000 EUR. Note* Every project will be discussed individually.